Wednesday, May 29, 2024

VA - John Peel - Right Time, Wrong Speed 1977-1987 @320

When talking to Concha about John Peel on the Maloko post, I thought why not share this fine comp. Listening to Peelie was wonderful, great DJ, he broke and supported so so many bands from the 60's until his death in 2004. His radio show introduced me to blues, reggae, ska, african music, punk, dub, grunge and alternative rock, to be honest the list goes on and on. There is a bit of everything on this compilation, might look at digging out the Kats Karavan 4cd bob set, well we will see what takers we have for this first!!

Posted by Reb      Discog      Links in comments


  1. Links active for 6 months

    CD1 -

    CD2 -

  2. Thank you Reb. I've heard a lot about John Peel, but this is my first chance to listen to him. He is responsible for popularizing so much of the music I like!

    1. There is a Peel Group, which started via yahoo groups many many years ago, and they reconstruct his shows from tapes. I had my mother trained to turn a tape over during his shows, if i was out so i could record the programs. Enjoy it tsi&hrjs, sometime a peel session version of a song was so different from the version recorded and released.

  3. Colossal John Peel. And even though I already have them, the one in the post and the one offered (in flac and 320) I can't stop thanking them.
    Many, many thanks Reb!!! ✿✿ヽ(°◇° )ノ✿✿

    1. Glad you like them Concha, will dig out some more peel stuff for ya

    2. Very grateful, but... Don't go crazy either! ಠ‿↼
      Until a few years ago I had no idea who this man was, until I started collecting digital music I found that some of the musicians (David Bowie, Elvis Costelllo, Joe Jackson, XTC, Roxy Music, John Cale, Rezillos, or Pixies and a long etc. from the 80s) that I was looking for had, for me, some mysterious John Pell sessions albums and that's where I got hooked.
      But of course, there are more followers who will be delighted with your contributions, just like me ✩◝(◍⌣̎◍)◜✩
